Atmos SDK

Add Atmos Ads to Game

Atmos Ads come in two different formats. Vertical and Horizontal images. The images change every 6-9 seconds.

Vertical: Vertical images are shown either scrolling or static.

  • ScrollV: Adds a scrolling animation in between the posters. It is good for catching more attention.
  • StaticV: Poster has no transitioning effect. Both ScrollV and StaticV share the same pool of ad creatives. It is your choice to choose either or both formats, depending on your game environment.

Drag and Drop Prefabs

After importing the SDK, navigate to the 'Assets/AtmosAdSDK/Prefabs' folder and drag and drop the prefab into the desired scene.

Position it appropriately.

Fetch URL

If you would like to preview the images, open Window>Atmos>FetchURL and click Fetch URL. You do not need to re-paste the Token from Atmos dashboard. It will initialize automatically.


If you do not fetch, there will be nothing shown in the prefab but a white canvas. Please Fetch URL before you deploy if you would like to preview the images.